понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

aint no mountain high

I�see tons of people everyday, obviously. They look somewhat content, surrounded by all their friends. Are they actual friends?�I like to think to myself "Oh they are just using one another". Maybe Iapos;m just jealous.. Sure I�donapos;t admire these people at all, by means, but they are apos;surroundedapos; by people. The people I�think are apos;freakyapos;, are surrounded by others like themselves, or to the extent that I�think of when I�categorize people. (I�know, apos;bad Ashlyapos;) When I�sit alone sometimes on apos;Power Mondaysapos; I�think "Oh, my friends donapos;t really get here that early". I donapos;t really make an effort to sit by anyone I�know, usually. I�just wait for people to come to me, and eventually they do. Today, Miranda came, then Justin, and Angeline. I�was surrounded by people. I� talk to most of them usually, but it sort of surprised me when Miranda came over. Since we havenapos;t really talked as much since 8th grade. Did she come over because she saw me alone? Or did she actually come over just to talk because she wanted to? I�wonder what people actually think of me. I doubt they like me. I�bet Iapos;m someone that everyone talks about, behind my back. Iapos;m probably the girl who just doesnapos;t apos;getapos; that everyone is annoyed at her. I donapos;t really feel that way around Kristin though. She makes me feel somewhat important, but I�think Iapos;m starting to get old to her to. I�donapos;t know. I�hope not though because I�really like Kristin, and it would suck to just lose her one day. I�think that guy, Maliki likes me, Iapos;m not sure, but I wouldnapos;t mind dating him I�guess, and thatapos;s really saying something because I�havenapos;t really crushed that much lately besides.. (..) Itapos;s sort of terrible, this hardcore crushing thing on (..) because I�have a feeling I�wonapos;t ever get over it. Today in visual arts though, I�was watching Mrs.Helm do the apos;projectapos; up on the projector, and she has apos;the fingersapos;. I�think the finger thing is totally screwed up now. I�mean it is true about me, but Kristin has them too, and I�highly doubt it. It is proven thought, ah well I�donapos;t know. I�hope I�start to not care, also.

P.s.- Iapos;m giving Kristin a pre-birthday present tomorrow
aint no mountain high, aint no mountain high enough.

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